Rainy Days and Mondays; One and the Same.
What is it about the rain? It seems like when I have the option to sleep, sitting in front of the wide open book spilling with words seems to lose all it’s attraction. *yawn*
I’m having a shitalishious week so far (yes, I know its only Tuesday and it's too early to curse it, but scrap that, it's as awful as it can get).
How my day and week manage to get so screwed up all by itself, is beyond me.
It's absolutely crap.
You know when absolutely everything and everyone is out to get you. Even inanimate objects - like the MIA room key and when the shower foam bottle goes empty on me. It’s then when I imagine that these things actually so have some form of intelligence and they all decided that today is piss-shya-around week. And then I get all angry and stuff and I wish that every single person that has ever messed with me would do so today because I’m ready.
I’m itching for a good fight, a real screaming match, you know?
One of the things I inherited from my mother is the ability to go from peaceful to pissed in a manner of seconds. I’m stressed out about tutorials, upcoming exams, about money, more exams, other people's portion of assignment and about my friends that has once again heaped some of their crap onto me.
I need something to break up the monotony of all the day to day activities - you know. I can’t remember which blogger wrote about it - what would you like to have invented? Today I’d like to have some sort of gadget that would make me disappear, just for today or for the week. This time next week, everyone would remember me but today and for the rest of the week, everyone should just forget I ever existed.
Or maybe I’d like a battery operated clone that would give all the correct responses that doesn't end up screwing me in the back later on and I can stay home and send my better half to college and live my life, and she can take all the crap because she doesn’t have emotions or feelings. But enough about that. The fact that I want to go Hannibal on someone and bite their face off isn’t important. Because I hate blood.
So there you go.