01 January 2008

re-edit: 2007 In a Bottle of Sand

The new year of 2008 is here. I can smell it!

I thought I’d put up this New Year’s meme survey thing. I’ll redo it again the subsequent year and see how things change or might not change.

Glad to see 2007 go?
I wouldn’t redo 2007 if I could. But the most I can do is wish certain bits of it lasted longer.

Age turned in 2007?

Did you change your hair in 2007? How?
Cut it really short a week before Trials1, can’t say I regretted it though (:

The best part of 2007?
Completing SPMs!

The worst part of 2007?
Endless studying and getting a huge fat D for BM, gawd. Who gets B for BM?!!!

Any new crushes in 2007? Who?
Only one, but apparently even that couldn’t go smoothly. Its karma I guess.

Who will you never forget?
The sweet lil kid at Rumah Charis who asked me for an mandarin orange in a rather peculiar manner.

Who did you wish you did not meet?
That pervert guy at the park..

Did you have a boyfriend in 2007?

Did you fall in love in 2007?

Did you catch someone in a lie in 2007?
I’m sure I have. People lie too much.

Did you call them out?
No I didn’t. Being caught in one is too embarrassing.

Did you get caught in a lie? What was it?
I’m sure I have been, but didn’t know it. Thick skinned maybe?

Funniest moment of 2007?
I fell rather clumsily in a public place and instead of rushing off red faced and embarrassed, I got up and laugh with my best friend. I think that incident shall be imprinted in both our memories for quite awhile :)

Did you take any vacations in 2007? Where?
Anthony's place? I'm there every week withoout fail. And thank you Martin for being there with me every single time!

Any new hobbies of 2007?
Taking random pictures. Especially foood!

Did you get a new job in 2007?
Hahaha sadly, no.

Did you lose a job in 2007?
Nah, I barely started work..

Did you host a party in 2007?
Does my birthday thingy count?

Where did most of your money go?
Due to everyday studying and having to hibernate at home, most of it went to hotlink reloads and study food.

What song will always remind you of 2007?
Hold On by Jet

What do you wish you’d done more of?
Crawling out of my shell. And dangerous things.

What do you wish you’d done less of?
Getting caught at the oddest places in school with a certain someone.

Biggest achievement in 2007?
Does studying until four.am count?

Biggest failure in 2007
Still unable to speak in to large crowds.

In 2007, did you lie to miss a day of work / school?
That goes without a saying. I can’t remember the number of times I got Daddy to sign a letter excusing me from school due to severe upset stomach or something outright ridiculous like that.

Did you move in 2007?
Nopee. Same ol same ol.

Did you wish on a shooting star in 2007? :
Didn't actually see any. I remember how I used to look at the stars all the time. Nowadays I always forget to.

What was your greatest musical discovery? :
That I've none :( Sad, I know.

What was the best book you read? :
The one I just finished, Jane Green’s Bookends.

What was your favorite movie of the year? :
Enchanted. But it was with the company of somebody that I enjoyed Chuck and Larry.

What did you want in 2007 and got?
Love & Friendship. Lots of it. thank you to those who are concerned.

What did you want in 2007 but didn’t get?
I wanted many things from 2007, but to list down what I didn't successfully achieve is too just many.

Did you make-out in public in 2007?
A small number of times =)

What’s the ringer on your cellphone?
Same ol Nokia default.

What kept you sane?
My pillows, Crystal, and my pink shampoo?

Who did you miss?
Many many people. Izham who left school, one day without informing anyone. Chee Lup, who we rarely meet. Jit Hu, whom I dearly miss. Wooi Lee, who lives in Sarawak and only visit on yearly basis. Szu Lynn, whom just disappeared into thin air. Ron, who din’t keep in touch after our fall out. Jian Hon, who lives in NZ three quarters of the year.

Who was the best new person you met?

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting my driver’s license, getting my diver’s license. Deciding on my college stuffs. This is all to be achieved within the next 6 months. Err, hopefully.

Did you drink too much in 2007? :

Your favorite commercial of 2007? :
Everything to do with DIGI. These people are supercool.

Something you couldn’t leave home without in 2007?
Wallet & mobile

How did you spend New Year’s 2007?
You know, I swear I don’t remember.

Valentines Day 2007? :

Easter 2007? :
Sleeping probably?

Halloween 2007? :
Studying, two weeks till SPMs.

Thanksgiving 2007? :
Didn’t have that one too!

Christmas 2007? :
spent the eve of it having dinner with my relatives and the later part of the nite of it at the curve and the even more later part of it whizzing around Ikea on their trolleys. Woke up late on Christmas morning with a kaput-ed heart, had a Christmassy breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausages. Spent the evening listening to endless Christmas songs. I swear I dint know there were sooo many!

Your birthday? :
The first few midnight minutes of it were spent with on the phone with Pravin. I went school surprisingly to end up having a great time. Had dinner later on in the night with the family.

How do you plan to usher in the New Year?
I’ve got no plans to begin with.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007
Sometimes it’s better to be quiet, even if you have something to say. And eat more chocolate.

happy new year, everybody :) here’s to an amazing 2008.

p/s: I was in a crappy mood when I did this, as you can clearly see there are an awful lot of blanks, will edit it later =)

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