08 October 2007


Studying is quite a lonely thing.

You sit there for hours.
Reading text discovered by people who are already dead.
Wondering why did they ever existed.
If they didn't, you wont be sitting here for hours.
Which brought loneliness to the entire world when they have to study about their discoveries.

I'm bored of studying

I'm not that kind of hardworking or diligent or conscientious person who can focus and concentrate and study the whole freaking day.

I'm feeling pretty emo nowadays. My mood might have been disrupted and influenced by somebody.

I also have a very strong urge to just screw this whole thing and go to sleep without studying at all.

Exam exam exam. *pening*
Enough said. Bye bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm..din noe u have a blog..not bad how come everybody is blogging?very fun meh? lol.. dun la mood swing. dun let that some1 disturb ur feelings, don't close up ur mind and jus let it loose. there is still other ppl ot there which still cares for u.
