23 March 2011


I am starting to get very dependent on the water heater and we all know that is never a good thing because when I head back to hostel in the coming May, I wouldn't have the luxury of hot water supply and morning showers are mandatory because my eyes and vocal cords (from yelping in cold) don't quite snap open until then.

It is not quite as easy resisting the heater on mornings like the ones we've been having lately. Balmy, rainy and cool. I mean, imagine yourself on a hot sunny day and on the kitchen counter, within arm's length is a tall glass of root beer. With vanilla ice-cream. It's hot, you're sweltering under the afternoon heat and at the same time you know it'll probably kill an ant from sugar overdose within seconds. 

With that in mind, you and I both have a dilemma now don't we?

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