07 September 2008

Sudden inspiration?

I've found my lost inspiration to study that flew out the window right after IT exam on Friday. You'd never guess what, or who for that matter that inspired me.

The pak cik guard -.-

But it was the hostel guard alright.

Ryan says he's horny. I think otherwise. I think, you're the horny one =P

It really is an eye opener to think in another prospective of life. Not everyone is as fortunate as we are. For me as a coll student, okay la stay up sampai pukul tiga to study. But for old folks like him who should really be in bed at that time of the day, has to earn bucks to stuff into his already adult kids pocket :/ whatthecrap is wrong with his kids?!

Anyway people, missed me?

Ah yea well, busy busy. Busy sleeping and waking up late only to have find the canteen close, and end up eatting bananas for dinner. Not that I mind, but lapar laaa! :(

*Head smackes the books* Sigh.

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