14 April 2008

Terrible Tuaran 2

Eleanor Rigby :

Eleanor apologizes for the long hiatus, and hopes that frequent readers of this blog still maintain a tendency to visit.

Eleanor has much to report on the condition of our beloved blogg
er. Terrible Tuaran is taking it's toll on the World of Weishya, as Eleanor has never heard her complain this much before.

And this includes the time Eleanor bought her the wrong shampoo......

To start off on a terrible note, Wonder-Woman-Weishya reports that her hair is getting fluffy.
This cannot be good. It might even be in one of Nostradamus' terrible predictions.

Could HE have predicted this ?

Heck, Eleanor hears they might make an episode of "Third Wave" about this fluffy haired incident.

On a lighter note, wank-worthy-Weishya informs Eleanor that the "guys here are short short, tegap tegap one".

And oh yeah, apparently they're better looking too because they have "incomparable eyes"

Her grammar is obviously suffering. So is her eyesight. A girl from KL in need of good looking men ?

That's the most stupid thing Eleanor has heard since "Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird"

Maybe He can...

However, not all is bad. Some things are just worse.

How many of you people out there have seen a CLOSED 7/11 ?
Eleanor hasn't, but Weishya has.

Eleanor hasn't heard of such STRANGE happenings since aliens landed in Roswell, or when George Bush won reelection in 2004.

But then again, it IS Sabah.
I guess outrage should be reserved till Eleanor actually visits Sabah.

24/7 my ass

What DOES scare Eleanor (and Weishya) is that our beloved blogger has had her number spread amongst the Sabahan trainees.

Imagine a Sabahan pickup line...

" If looks could kill, you'd be a weapon of mass destruction"
It would probably be something along those lines, but laced with references to hot steamy sex in a long house while headhunters hunt KL-ians for ceremonial purposes in the backyard.

And so,
this is a calling to all you red blooded men out there who want Weishya all to yourselves!


How you ask ?

Simple. Say you're Sarawakian. They're scared to death of their southern neighbours.

Why you ask ?
Sarawakians are taller.

(L to R) Sarawakian, Sabahan

Weishya has also informed Eleanor that she is " bad with her hands"

Eleanor cannot help but admit that countless sexual references rushed through his/her head at the time of mentioning.

However, Weishya was to set Eleanor straight when she informed Eleanor that she is in fact bad at juggling.

Eleanor breathes a sigh of relief, as he/she now knows that Weishya is still adept at using her "hands".

But still, juggling as a requirement of National Service ? I guess it's our taxpayers money at work again.

Now, SHE'S good with her hands

At least our homesick hottie has been chosen to slide down a flying fox on NS open day! (The flying fox stretches over a wide wide lake)

She's scared to death, so send her Oreos.

Eleanor must admit though, that the thought of our sexy shampoo showgirl shimmying down a thin, taut rope with nothing but 2 thin clasps of metal clinging on to her for dear life, is a funny thought.

How incredibly sadistic of Eleanor.

Finally, on a rather pensive note, Eleanor is depressed, disgusted and annoyed to announce that this terrific blog was NOT chosen to be in the top 10 of the Happy Moments contest.

It is an outrage.

However, life IS unfair, and what is done IS done, and Eleanor is afraid of Weishya's return.

Eleanor does not wish to sound like a sore loser, and therefore would like to thank all you well wishers out there for voting and supporting this blog.

And so, Weishya and Eleanor would like to wish YOU a big and hearty THANK YOU!

Thank you for your support, and may you continue frequenting this blog!

Till next time,
Eleanor, signing off

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