28 March 2011


Today's one of those days where I feel like I've potato salad for a brain and everything seems to go horribly wrong everywhere I turn for no apparent reason. It's probably for the best I sleep nao and wake up with a (hopefully) renewed perspective.

25 March 2011

Black Jeans Friday

As most of you should be aware, I no longer belong to the unemployed! Hahaha no, I am yet to graduate and no, it's not permanent. It's just three months of practical training in the auditing/taxing life. My course-mates and I were encouraged to sign-up for internships during the three month long break from college after some very vicious exams in January. And when I say vicious, I mean just that. It's the kind that gives you sleepless nights before the exams, during and after exams, before and after results are released. 

Back in September 2010 I remember sending my resumes to prospective employers. There were tentatively 172 procedures to abide by and most of us hadn't the slightest clue what a cover letter was! Filling up Borang As and polishing up resumes so it'll gleam my way into a fulfilling job. So it was a mighty headache lah needless to say. It's bad when you don't have a printer so what's a girl to do but rely on the self-printing service (which I always manage to screw up despite how easy it's suppose function) in the college's IT Centre which is on the far end of hostel. Things get frustrating when you've a failing memory like mine. Must have made ten trips to the said IT Centre that week; exercise quota for the year reached. Hehe.

My job interviews on the other hand, are funny stories you have to hear someday. My new workplace area is no stranger to me. It was not love at first sight (considering I was seated next to an air conditioning vent) but in time, I've learn to warm up to it. In fact, the air conditioning has been out for a week now. Spouting warm air like a heater it was never meant to be. Hahaha.

The only dilemma I face on a daily basis is the plethora of food options. Wahlao. The alarming number of possibilities on what I'll be having lunch makes my food baby churn with delight.

Since joining this 'company', I am supposedly banned from wearing pants on working days; except Fridays where there's an exception to stroll in office with Polo Tees and Jeans. After abiding by the rule for two weeks I decided it was plain ridiculous and revive my self-imposed rule to include slacks, colourful blouses and cardigans in my every other weekday wardrobe.

Though I really like this no need to study til the wee hours routine, I feel so uselessly tired after work. Also, my colleagues (wah, feels so adult to classify people as colleagues and not friends) are comfortably converses in Canto/Hokkien/Cina..so much for a break from college eh? In some ways working life makes me appreciate Cinallege. I now geddit when people tell me so. Thankfully, its not yet a lesson learn too late. Thing is, how to enjoy college life when I'm already doing so horridly while not enjoying college to begin with.


Immaterial, Hot and Sien Dau are the most overused words so far, goodnight.

24 March 2011

The Girl Effect

I dare you to not be captivated by the video below.


23 March 2011


I am starting to get very dependent on the water heater and we all know that is never a good thing because when I head back to hostel in the coming May, I wouldn't have the luxury of hot water supply and morning showers are mandatory because my eyes and vocal cords (from yelping in cold) don't quite snap open until then.

It is not quite as easy resisting the heater on mornings like the ones we've been having lately. Balmy, rainy and cool. I mean, imagine yourself on a hot sunny day and on the kitchen counter, within arm's length is a tall glass of root beer. With vanilla ice-cream. It's hot, you're sweltering under the afternoon heat and at the same time you know it'll probably kill an ant from sugar overdose within seconds. 

With that in mind, you and I both have a dilemma now don't we?

22 March 2011

Back in 2008

18 March 2011

On that very day, three years ago I embarked on a three months journey to Tuaran, a place I've never even seen or heard before this for the boot camp we all know as National Service. I remember this as clear as the sun in the summer sky because the very next day was my best friend's birthday. And the night before, we feasted of chicken wings and everything else that steamboat place had to offer. I also remember a certain scheming someone whom successfully scammed both of us. Me thinking it was a birthday celebration and she; a farewell. For what it's worth, it was a delightful surprise :) thankew Carmen!

Can't remember whether I properly blogged about camp or not but I came back shy of the three month requirement cos college was starting the following week. Given the circumstances to re-do things, I'd have stay the whole run. Also, I've been reminiscing days Eleanor Rigby guest blogged. Heh. Should you be reading this, my hair is falling in fistfuls on a daily basis! :/

On a different note, you'd be glad to know that I am no longer that lass who believed that Chipsmores make peopleme wiser and err stronger. I no longer have braces(!), my hair is ten times longer, I am no longer the person I used to be, I now believe hell comes in many forms; the mind in particular, that leaf phone I sayang so banyak; has gone to phone heaven and recently someone created a Facebook group for my National Service friends. You'd be amused to know that I haven't worked up the courage to message my officers to tanya khabar in fear of being ordered to eat cucumbers -____-

19 March 2011

Oh, Spud

So right, after work yesterday I realise that its been a really really really long time since I last gorged on fast food. Like, really! I'm not a die hard fan of fast food but every now and then McD's Sundaes and Carl's Jr fries pops into mind. The thought will linger for a bit and eventually pass on and I'll forget about it (unless I'm really hungry lah). So, I was sitting in the traffic and god forbid, hash browns started manifesting in my head. After changing out of Friday's office wear, I nicely asked (force) Tall Sister to whip up a batch mash potatoes before dinner. But it took so long to peel the potatoes after boiling them soft (boil with skin on cos the skin contains antioxidants). By the time the potatoes were finally skinned to its yellow self, our fingertips were blotchy red and dinner was served -______- 

So today, Mum emailed me this video of the secret to peeling potato skin fast and painless!

Next time you intend to make potato salad or mash potatoes, remember, ice cold water!!

The One Who Got Away

many things in life happens, 
some we think we deserve, 
some we think we don't
but it just happen
jit hu

For All Times

“Those who intend on becoming great should love neither themselves 
nor their own things, but only what is just, 
whether it happens to be done by themselves or others.”

“Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous.”
Plato quote

“Apply yourself both now and in the next life. Without effort, you cannot be 
prosperous. Though the land be good, You cannot have an abundant crop without 
Plato quote

“Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another”
Plato quote

“For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.”
Plato quote

“When the mind is thinking it is talking to itself.”
Plato quote

“Courage is a kind of salvation.”
Plato quote

“In politics we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to 
administer a city or a state. When we are ill... we do not ask for the handsomest 
physician, or the most eloquent one.”
Plato quote

“The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life”
Plato quote

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge”
Plato quote

“Courage is knowing what not to fear.”
Plato quote

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is 
when men are afraid of the light.”
Plato quote

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up 
being governed by your inferiors.”
Plato quote

“Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what 
amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the 
peculiar bent of the genius of each.”
Plato quote

“If particulars are to have meaning, there must be universals”
Plato quote

“The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
Plato quote

“How can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a 
dream; or whether we are awake, and talking to one another in the waking state?”
Plato quote

“Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety.”
Plato quote

“Man - a being in search of meaning.”
Plato quote

“I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning”
Plato quote

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say 
Plato quote

“Love is a serious mental disease.”
Plato quote

“He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched than he who suffers it”
Plato quote

“People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or 
they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.”
Plato quote

“It is only the dead who have seen the end of war”
Plato quote

“No one ever teaches well who wants to teach, or governs well who wants to govern.”
Plato quote

“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who 
wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.”
Plato quote

“There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, 
and what they cannot.”
Plato quote

“He whom love touches not walks in darkness”
Plato quote

“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.”
Plato quote

18 March 2011

Words of Wisdom

You'd never really appreciate weekends until you start working. True story.

12 March 2011

"'What' and ‘if’ .....
Two words as nonthreatening as words come.  But put them together side-by-side 
and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: ‘What if?'..."
-Letters to Juliet, 2010

07 March 2011


why am i sick again. whyyyyyy. third time year and it's only march >:/
lousy body, are you trying to tell me something?
be a man and tell me in the face cos coughing myself dry is not 
how i planning my entrance into happyland

04 March 2011


02 March 2011

Oh Busy Busy

Sorry… I was busy sleeping.

Will divulge a little on how I've been spending my days, soon.
In the next post. 
This is a lousy filler post. 
Ten minutes from now I'll wish I hadn’t post this.
But just in case you all thought I died or something…

When really, I was just busy sleeping.
Just busy. :P