I hate boring templates!
My old whale theme went missing after I played around with another template that I thought I liked but I changed my mind cos it was too pinky and lovey-dovey and I was smart enough not to back up my old skin :(
Damn no motivation to blog and by the time aku habis diploma, whatever that's left of my barely-making-it vocab and humour will be down to pulp and ashes. And I'll just be like those cina that speaks bad england. Nononoo.
Just downloaded Oxford Dictionary software in hopes that this will be the ultimate solution to my roommate constantly asking me phrases and terms I once knew and forgot which leaves me frustrated and will spend an hour of sleeping time pondering over it, which will result in more hair fall. And you know how agitated I am about dropping hair during exam season right..
You see my point now?
1 comment:
Heehee somehow I'm laughing to myself in front of the computer at 9am in the morning. Way to go, best friend :P
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