09 December 2008

Oh yes, I remember now

I am(was) ubberly frustrated.

Remember the test which I rushed back to Setapak to study for? Cutting short my lenghty four day weekend in the process. The one that got cancelled last week after berbanyak-banyak hair pulling moments. Forcing myself to read another page of notes even when I REALLY didn't feel like studying with Yang beside me being intelligent even without lifting a finger -.- And later on carrying my notes with me to bed, reading until I fell asleep with the lights on.

Yea, that test. Which I ranted and whined over so much? The very same one.

It was postponed, AGAIN!!!!!!


I am that frustrated, seriously. A normal human being would have just say a prayer of thanks and be grateful with such luck, but I am NO NORMAL HUMAN BEING. I fecking studied alright.


DO YOU?!?! Very much assured, faster than you can say the pink panther ate a purple asparagus for lunch and his poop was green.

Eh woman, you think we people have got nothing better to do is it? Keep delaying tests, one week after another with stupid mindless reasons. I have better things to do you know, like sleeping for instance. Have you any idea how many gazillion worry warts I'm getting if I keep going at this pace?

And if you think I'm even gonna trouble my butt off to study beforehand for the test next week, dream on. Last minute will pass off as an okay the next time around.

This week: IT Assignment, Cocuriculum Day, a Long and Uneventful Weekend.
Next week: Econs, QS and the stooopid Accounts test, the YDC which I will unfortunately will be skipping.

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