17 October 2010

One two days

After being a vegan for TWELVE days, I realise there are certain things you can't say. Like "i'm so hungry I could eat my arm".

Food options are obviously an issue but you don't know what you're capable of til you walk into kfc. Everyone within fifty metres radius has a mountain of evily alluring crispy fried chicken in front of them, licking their fingers in utmost delight and all that's on your tray is cheesy wedges and garden salad.

You'd also start making lame food jokes. While I was trying my best not to oogle at my friend enjoying a plate of pork rice the other day, a chunk of char siu flew from under his fork and I instantly went "and people say pigs don't fly"..

15 October 2010

Take Two

Looking back at Making a Mountain out of a Molehill, I have been consistently and later inconsistently/at sloth-like pace blog posting for nearly four years. Four years isn't a long time if you are measuring it against a marriage or an education, but for weekly/fortnightly blogposts about loud library goers, gripes about English classes, my cina classmates, how time is nearly never sufficient, life's enigma and everything in between, it’s a pretty long time. Or maybe not. 

Admittedly I don’t write as often as I should and if I do, it lacks of content due to my fear of divulging too much. In my defence, I truly enjoy articulating rants that will give readers stitches in the tummy (true) but I’ve been terribly busy (lie). Studies have been ultra demanding (semi-true). I’ve been planning to pick up running (pipe dream) but I don’t own a proper pair of shoes (true) and I very recently lost a pot of porridge to the stove because I thought the whiff of smoke was coming from the neighbours and not my OWN kitchen when I was STANDING IN MY OWN KITCHEN -.- (true story). Besides, I can only rant so much and blogging is overrated/deemed to be mediocre (true). Tweeting and FB is the dalam thing now. However, I iz way too anti-social to actively participate (true) 

Time and time again I remind myself that this site is deprived of attention (lie) and the expansion of self’s England vocabulary is redundant (mighty true) plus, I may be growing up (lie) but every once in a while the world needs to know Tall Sister is still towering over me (fact) -__-“ 

Nowadays I am mostly lazy and fickle and simply figuring out what I want and have decided to spend more of my days more aim-ful (possible truth). Dengan itu, I double clicked on the notepad icon and tapped the above you just read to mark it down. 

In three days/two weeks/four months/nine years time, I’ll reread this and realise that blogging is so beneath me. End of story -.- 

11 October 2010

Back Then

I have a tendency of getting myself blocked from my own online mobile operator and bank accounts. Oh  Monday, oi ta kau ah?

Then again, I sorely miss non-educational related rants. Like cats clawing on my door at 4am, how it literally rained in my lecture hall and getting mud on my flops. Those were the days I'd relive and not complain because time is whizzing pass way too fast. I have more daunting concerns to attend to from now on until possibly when I die from waking up at 6am tiap tiap pagi. :)

08 October 2010

Home is where they catch you when you fall.


03 October 2010

Before the storm has passed.

Another storm seems to be coming on.


My first semester results will be out this Tuesday. That's in less than 48 hours.

I had mild ‘ohshyteohshyteohshye’ moment going on when I read someone’s status update reminded me about horrid tax results.

So much for having a relaxing week.