02 May 2012

At Fingertips

Since I acquired my own iPod, I finally comprehend what the hype was all about.

The multitude of crazy useful apps have since dominated my existence, and I find myself using it all the time and I can't imagine life without it (which is funny cos I made it so far without it before this and now there's no turning back). And that scares the shit outta me, being so dependent on a gadget.

Believe me when I say that there's an app for everything. When I mean everything, I really do mean just that. Otherwise, how do you explain this? -_-"

My initial purpose was to use it as a media player and ebook reader to immerse myself in the free books available for download. And soon curiosity over the other apps took hold of me — plus from recommendations of various iPhone/iPod/iPad users that I know soon led me to the wonders of apps like Office, PDF Reader (to check my timetable and the likes of it) Camera+, SoundHound (record a snippet of song, upload it to the Internet and instantly get to know the song title and artist of the song! I’ve been using it a lot when I listen to song in my friend's car or while window shopping and can't place a name to the song — you can’t imagine how many times I’ve tried to memorise bits of the lyrics, scurried to type it down in my phone's notes, and then later Google the lyrics which is too damn mafan), Hippo Dictionary (an absolute lifesaver to help translate pin yin chinese characters to English and vice versa), at one point I got crazy about restocking my Tiny Tower on a timely fashion and a whole lot more lah.

In retrospect, I sometimes think having a power devise that one can easily slip into your back pocket and bring it everywhere and anywhere is a destructive thing. I find myself having no time to let my mind wander/daydream, as every possible free time; be it while commuting or in the loos — is spent immersing myself in ebooks or taking care of the welfare of my people on Sims.

I don't people watch on my train rides anymore. Don't even get me started about how these power devises are putting human interaction at risk. Haih.

1 comment:

nevnev said...

I've made a pact with myself never to use it within uni grounds. give it a try :D