05 May 2011

Working Woes

As bored as I might have been at work, I'm starting to miss it and the people there. They are really nice, and makes work-life feels so much better, because unlike some people I've encountered, they sincerely want to help you out :)

I digress, after listening to horrific encounters my course mates raved and ranted over the three month period, my colleagues are saints. Cina speaking speaking saints no less. I've probably asked seven thousand no brainer questions all which they answer me patiently and with much clarity. That's the beauty of working with a small firm I guess :)

My first month was filled with nothing. Sounds ironic when I type it out innit. Once, I spent a whole day reviewing past files and that stretched on for days at a time. It was hell trying to stay awake with nothing exactly to do. Later weeks, the company secretary (from a different firm, by the way) decided we interns have had too much time in hand and started loading me  with mortgage loan agreements and twenty other foreign paperwork to be typed out. 

In March, work started to trickle in. The learning process was a frustrating one and even more when I make mistakes faster than i can say hippopotamus. While my seniors could accomplish a task within an impossible timespan, I completed the same task with three times fold the duration. Omb damn stress okay.

In the later months, I got to venture out to client companies which prior to that, got me all jumpy and excited. The glossy gleam in my eyes died instantly after I found out I was doing the exact same thing I do at my work desk only in a different office and a smoker junkie for a boss in place. 

Come the time I was leaving, the work load was crazy hectic. On my last day, I was on the phone bantering with a client until the very last of minutes. One company came by with 14 boxes of raw documents to process and sieve thru. I shudder to imagine the hours clocked in for that one engagement. All in all, I leave a lil bit wiser, slightly rounder and with a whole lot more appreciation for college. 

Teruskan usaha ex-teman seperjuangan =)

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