17 March 2009

Hunger Pangs

I'm back from my little hiatus. After a healthy dosage of fresh air to breath and surrounding myself with cloudless night skies dotted with stars again. Do I make any sense? :P


Yes, yes. It has occured to me that I've been a little bit edgy the past few days. Snappy, maybe. I take not of the teeniest matters and find fault with simple things and I just get so freaking annoyed.

The ho-hums of life and the people I socialize with simply won't allow me to be in a brooding funk and will go to all extends of getting me out of the dumps. Why la you people like this *pouts*

Anyway, I've come down to the bottomline of my moody days. It's my bloody hormones. Seriously. Haha. I should be banned from all forms of socializing when PMS syndrome is on going.

Lately I've been walking around feeling like a pregnant woman lah. I get this weird food cravings at the oddest of hours and my sleep cycle is so screwed up. Two Fridays ago I had a huge urging for KFC and ice cream cake. And last week after a looong day of classes I so badly wanted a roti pisang :(

Weird, I know. Anyway, byebye peeps. I'm going on a hunt of sour onion and cream chips!

13 March 2009

Tulan I Tell You

Monday was a holiday. And Fridays are my day off from college. So basically, the week just vanished away.

And me, being the ruthless, angry monster cum stubborn freak that I am, had a crap of a week. I'm also starting to feel lost. Again. The fundamentals of life annoys me so much at times.

I'll be going away for a while. I'll be back soon enough. When I feel happier, I suppose.

08 March 2009

Ask Me, I'll Shoot You

I hardly ever blog about my studies or results nowadays which unintentionally creates a picture of me flunking my studies.

It is purely unintentional i can assure you that much.


I got my semester two results on Saturday. 

Can you imagine several THOUSANDS of people logged on to one webpage to face their fate? Not funny okay. Particularly when it gets so jammed up and you're having hyperactive butterflies buzzing about in your tummy.

Overall, I should be happy with my results. 

BUT, I'm not. 
End of story.

04 March 2009

When we sleep, the unconscious mind takes over as we have no control over it.

Often, when we sleep, we dream. Dreams can reveal what is disturbing us in the waking hours. And there are rare occasions we wake up only to want to fall right back asleep.

Not because of the gut feeling we sometimes have warning us of a horrendous day ahead but because we wake up with such a good feeling yet don't remember what happen.


Happy Birthday Jian Hon,
miss you much.

02 March 2009

With This

College officially resumes!

Can you feel my enthusiasm for two hourly lectures and tutorials and hours in the freezing cold library?