I'm back from my little hiatus. After a healthy dosage of fresh air to breath and surrounding myself with cloudless night skies dotted with stars again. Do I make any sense? :P
Yes, yes. It has occured to me that I've been a little bit edgy the past few days. Snappy, maybe. I take not of the teeniest matters and find fault with simple things and I just get so freaking annoyed.
The ho-hums of life and the people I socialize with simply won't allow me to be in a brooding funk and will go to all extends of getting me out of the dumps. Why la you people like this *pouts*
Anyway, I've come down to the bottomline of my moody days. It's my bloody hormones. Seriously. Haha. I should be banned from all forms of socializing when PMS syndrome is on going.
Lately I've been walking around feeling like a pregnant woman lah. I get this weird food cravings at the oddest of hours and my sleep cycle is so screwed up. Two Fridays ago I had a huge urging for KFC and ice cream cake. And last week after a looong day of classes I so badly wanted a roti pisang :(
Weird, I know. Anyway, byebye peeps. I'm going on a hunt of sour onion and cream chips!
You mean sour CREAM and onion chips -__________-"
ya ya. that :P was hungry and rushing ape -_-
go study la tal. buat ape blog hopping now? :/
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