01 February 2011

Hurried randomness.

Yes, I seem to have disappeared off the face of the Internet. I didn't even write on my four year anniversary of this blog in August!

I figured that my overused excuse of being lazy is well, overused. So I tried to pick a new one, but I couldn't. Why? Because I was too lazy to try for more than five seconds.

Kicked off the year twenty eleven by sleeping a little after the fireworks went off. Got up at 8am the next day, broke the veggie fast I’ve been on for three months with awesome siu yoke fan, and studied til the sun fell from the sky :) Later on, Sha and I set out on a hunt of Mac and Cheese which didn’t end too well if I remember correctly.

The 8th, 10th and 12th of January were hellish. Hope to never revisit those days. Mid of March is the day to anticipate, well, not really.

I’ve been on semester holidays for three weeks now and no doubt I’ve so much more time in hand albeit the spring cleaning, eating, rebelling against proper sleeping time, many cat naps and all that. But what kept me busier was keeping up with all of unwatched downloaded series. The rabid downloader in me is lapping up every single second. If I ever have too much time at work, I'll vomit out a post on my TV obsession.

Had a butt ache the other day. That's what you get from playing badminton with hardcore players whom laughed my sorry ass into achesville the following day. I ended up sprawled out in the middle of my bed the next two days its not even funny.

Leaving at 7am to my grandparents place up north in five hours. Anything else I can do there other than eat mandarin oranges and watch korean tv series?

Speaking of which, I still have some packing to do.

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